Servicing the Santa Clarita Valley Since 1993
The Best Way To Ensure You Select The Right Garage Door Company
“Checked” answers to the following items means greater assurance your installation or repair will be performed properly, the right door at a fair price has been chosen to meet your needs and the company will be there to back up its work.
Garage Door Installer Checklist:
The company is locally owned and operated in the SCV |
The company offers at least a 5 year warranty on installations and 1 year on repairs |
The company’s warranty is in writing, is clear and does not require the customer to perform periodic maintenance to maintain the guarantee |
The company provides workers’ compensation insurance for its employees |
The company offers a wide selection of manufacturers rather than “pushing” one manufacturer |
The company promises to install all new parts and will allow you to inspect them |
The company has been in business for at least 10 years and offers proof of solvency and reliability |
The company guarantees a new door free from scratches and promises not to cover defects with patches |
The company has never had a complaint filed with the Better Business Bureau |
The company provides a guaranteed fixed price on your repairs before arriving at your home |
The company will provide you with a full list of customers dating back at least two years and welcomes you to contact anyone on that list that you know |
The company guarantees to leave your property spotless when done with the installation or repair |
The company guarantees not to do any unnecessary repairs |
The company has a contractor’s license (Ask to see a copy) |